Research, education and training in low-temperature biology and medicine for the present and future of Ukraine!

We use the recent scientific research and technologies
“Institute is the only institution in the world conducting comprehensive research in the field of cryobiology and cryomedicine. We strive to operate at the highest level, integrating scientific research with active educational activities aimed at disseminating knowledge and advancing this important scientific field. Currently, significant efforts are focused on implementing scientific projects of particular significance in the context of wartime and post-war time”.
Oleksandr Petrenko, Director, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor
Відбулася конференція делегатів трудового колективу ІПКіК НАН України
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Вона досліджує, вона відкриває, вона змінює світ!
Дорогі жінки-науковиці, дослідниці, винахідниці та всі, хто горить прагненням пізнання!…
Робочий візит фітокріобіологів до Інституту овочівництва
6 лютого співробітники лабораторії фітокріобіології Інституту проблем кріобіології і кріомедицини…
До 90-річчя Коліна Дж. Гріна: видатного кріобіолога рекомендовано на нагородження відзнакою НАН України
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The only Institution worldwide comprehensively developing the modern cryogenic technologies in medicine and biology
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Performing research aimed at obtaining and using new awareness in cryobiology and cryomedicine, as well as other related sciences, bringing scientific and technical knowledge to practical application, introducing fundamentally new methods and approaches to the treatment of human pathologies into medical practice through the use of unique cryotechnologies, cryopreserved cell and tissue products, training highly qualified scientific personnel, meeting the social, economic and cultural needs of the population and ensuring the innovative development of the country.
Leadership in cryobiology and cryomedicine achievements in Ukraine and abroad, strengthening the commercialization of research results, training highly qualified competitive specialists in cryobiology and cryomedicine, expanding the capabilities of the Institute and the UNESCO Chair of Cryobiology created on its basis for European integration of scientific activity, in particular, increasing the prestige of Ukraine’s scientific achievements in cryobiology and cryomedicine, as well as attracting funding through joint activities.
Professionalism, human leadership, responsibility, humanism, spirituality, creativity, academic integrity.
The Institute carries out fundamental and applied studies in the following areas:
- study of the mechanisms of cryoinjury, cryoprotection, natural resistance of biological objects to cold and their repair after exposure to cold;
- creation of effective methods of artificial cryoprotection of biological systems of various organization levels and, based on them,
- development of technologies for cryopreservation of biological objects and technical means of their implementation;
- use of hypothermia, cryotherapy and cryopreserved biological objects to treat various diseases;
- cell and tissue transplantation.